Saturday, 25 October 2014

National Care Leavers Week - Our 16+ Services

To coincide with National Care Leavers Week, we'll be giving you an insight into all the different services that St Christopher's provides for young people aged between 16 and 25.

St Christopher's has been supporting young people for over 140 years. Housing and support services have been an integral part of this work since the 1970s. We want to provide a stable, safe environment where young people can recognise and achieve their potential.

Some of the services we provide include:

  • High quality, 24-hour staffed accommodation, including services for young care leavers
  • Floating support for young people moving into independence
  • Working with homeless young people

Every young person at St Christopher's receives a support package tailored just for them, which helps them learn the skills to be independent. We help our young people with budgeting, housing, building relationships, mental health, and physical health.

We want our young people to be able to track their progress and how far they've progressed. For example, one of our accommodation services in London is split into two parts: high support and medium support. We encourage young people to "step down" into medium support so they're living even more independently.

"My key worker helped me understand what areas I needed to focus on and what I was good at independently." - James, 16

We also want to talk to our young people about what they think of our support and what they'd like to change. In fact, some of our care leavers thought "leaflets were boring". We now have young people making films about the issues that affect them through our Wrap Project, helping to build skills and confidence.

St Christopher's is proud to support our young care leavers and we hope you agree that our services provide the best outcomes for our young people.

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