Wednesday 18 June 2014

A week in the life of a fostering support worker – Day 3

Tuesday involved a lot of driving for Pete Smart and some brilliant support work with Allen and Jason. Names have been changed to protect the identity of our young people.

Day 3 - Tuesday

I start my day with a drive over to Harlow to see Allen to do work around employment as he is looking for a part-time job at the weekends. Allen is also in education and we are hoping that a part-time job will help him to continue to grow in confidence and gain the skills he will need during adulthood.

We apply for several jobs and cross our fingers. We have a final cup of tea and then I drop Allen over to town.

This fits in with his care plan, which is for Allen to go to college and work part-time for additional funds. His long term objective is gaining a qualification in motor mechanics and then working in the motor industry to enable him to be fully independent financially

I’m then off to Stansted to work with Jason. We are driving to Ashford in Kent to see his brother who has a new addition to the family. This is the first time that Jason has met his nephew. It is a supervised contact meeting, meaning I stay with Jason, and we are there for around three hours.
Jason had a great time and was really happy to see his family, making the long drive home (about 150 miles) worthwhile. He sees his brother every eight weeks and I am sure he will enjoy being an uncle as well as being extremely proud of his nephew

I drop him off about 8.30pm and drive myself home getting in about 9.30pm. I quickly check my work emails to ensure I’ve not missed anything. Today was a very long, but enjoyable day. Come back tomorrow to see what I got up to on Wednesday.

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